Summer will soon officially drawing to an end. Even if Indian Summer is particularly nice this year, autumn is around the corner. We are lucky to have so many late summer and early autumn flowers to brighten up our days, home, office and garden. Enjoy them now before the first frosts and celebrate autumn!

Lovely autumn flowers
Perennial flowers such as aster, cosmos, sage,cyclamen or dahlias are giving the best of themselves now that autumn is there. These are the typical autumn flowers. Looking for the star of the season? With no hesitation, dahlias are the favourite autumn flowers. Enjoy them now, they will last until the first frosts. Grasses give an airy, light and natural touch to all your arrangements. Either as a loose bouquet in a tall vase or in a table arrangement, these autumn grasses mixed with corn cobs or pine cones are really perfect to bring volume. Rose trees are blooming again giving a very elegant look in every creation. Even if roses are mostly available all the year, autumn roses, especially old variety have this little extra that catches light and attention.
A color firework with autumn colors
Small trees with berries bring lovely warm colors to the hedges creating thus a kind of impressionist landscape. The most famous berries are hypericum, they give a stunning eye-catching point to all creations. Have you ever seen how hortensia change in autumn? Blossoms are turning to a faded silk texture that is in total harmony with the color of the leaves changing to purple, orange, red and gold. When light is declining it’s very easy to compose an explosive and joyful mix of colors to keep a good energy. Do not hesitate to also put perennial flowers in your balcony or garden. There is no risk in planting them even in early autumn as the conditions are perfect: good temperatures during the day, fresh night and enough water. Need to learn more about the color change in autumn, read our article.
Autumn sunshine to fight autumn depression
When light goes down, our metabolism is affected. After the sun explosion our bodies receive during summer, it’s sometimes very disturbing to enter this new season. Some people suffer from strong emotional splashes, called the autumn depression. Don’t let the good mood evaporate, take time for yourself, meet people, enjoy long walk outside. A good way to fight this depressive feeling is to gather a bouquet of colorful leaves and mix it with dahlias, hortensia or calla lilies. Red, yellow, orange and green are perfect colors to bring happiness. Color therapy is very efficient, so enjoy the best colors of the season with autumn flowers.