Plants for purer air in your Home

Posted by eFlorist on 29/06/14 10:20

gerberaWe are increasingly exposed to environmental pollution and even in our homes. Pollutants of all kinds have taken up residence: glue, wax, paint, heating, household products. One good measure is to open the windows wide and ventilate every room in the house between 10 to 15 minutes every morning.

But it’s also good to know that our lovely houseplants are not only there to harmoniously decorate our interiors, green plants have beneficial effects on our environment by purifying our air.

How do plants depollute?

According to a study made Bill Wolverton, Engineer at NASA confirmed by the Phytair program led by two French laboratories, some plants have the ability to trap chemical molecules, acting as green lung. One single plant improves the air quality of a 9m² surface area; 2 or 3 plants improve the air of a 17-20m² room. Ideally, place a green plant in each room.

An excellent relationship, not only do green plants look great in your house, you have cleaner air as a result!

Having green plants with confirmed depolluting cleansing properties is a very natural and effective way to purify the air.

Here are some examples (not exhaustive) of valuable plants to display proudly:

- Gerbera against benzene (gas and tobacco), cleaning products, glues & paper treated with resin (paper towels, plastic bag)

- Philodendron against carbon dioxide, fungicides and wood treatment products. This plant also has the effect of increasing the humidity of the dry air caused by heat

- Ivy against carbon dioxide, benzene, nicotine, solvents, paints

- Chlorophytum against the carbon monoxide, the solvents, benzene

- Azalea against ammonia, household products, glues and varnishes

- The peace lilies against a large number of toxic chemicals (cigarettes, paints, solvents)

- Ficus against formaldehyde and solvents in paints, solvents and foam insulation

- Cactus candle against electromagnetic waves from computer

- Aloe Vera against cigarette smoke, glues, thinners, plywood, foam insulation

Excerpt from magazine "Want more" - June 2008

However, take caution with young children and pets, as some plants, although very useful in cleaning up our air, can be toxic if ingested! Plants such as fern, ivy (leaves & berries) are the most dangerous.

More than ever, green plants are our best allies! Don’t miss plants and flowers as their benefits are so great on our health and mood. Each new season brings its new desire for color and scent. This is the time to use or send flowers and plants.

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